Les Années Cité de Londres Vol. 01

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Deep and smooth House music with tracks by Herbert, Chateau Flight, Deep Dish, Schmoov!...

I have made this mix in memory to a very special and unforgettable period of my life, in Paris beginning of the 2000ies. We were a group of freshly acquainted pals, discovering and sharing the same passion for deejaying & house music, simply enjoying love, friendship and life... As such, I have compiled some of the most favourite House tracks we used to listen to, and I seriously hope it will bring up for those who were there the same good memories than to me. As for the others, I hope you will also enjoy this little musical excerpt of that period.

  1. Chateau Flight : Instant Replay
  2. Pepe Bradock : Deep Burnt
  3. Addvibe : Brothers
  4. Herbert : Leave Me Know
  5. Taxi : People Come Runnin’ (Needs Remix)
  6. Lovetronic : You Are Love (Jay’s Afrotronic Vocal)
  7. Sirus : Big Ben
  8. Soldiers Of Twilight : Believe (Original Version)
  9. Kings Of Tomorrow : Finally (Dance Ritual Mix)
  10. Julien Jabre : Yalopa
  11. Deep Dish : The Future Of The Future
  12. Schmoov! : Destination
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